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Playing Stud Online Poker With Cyndy Violette

In Stud High you have to pay attention to having a decent starting hand, calculating pot odds thoroughly, reading your opponents and finding the right spot for stealing the bring in and the antes. The following example was played against … Lanjutkan membaca

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FireMistress Skill Stop Slot Machine Review

Goodness, gracious great balls of fire! Okay, it’s just a fireMistress Skill Stop Slot Machine. You turn the key, the lever, the dip, and the machine bulbs start going off. Come on, fireMistress, let’s cut to the chase. We had … Lanjutkan membaca

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How To Play Slot Machines

Slot machines are one of the most fascinating games in the world of casinos. Though the game is simple, the excitement involved in the game is also of high level. Anyone who is fascinated by the thrill of gambling can … Lanjutkan membaca

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A Brief History of Poker

Poker is one of the most popular card games being played in the world right now. The exact origins of the game are unknown however, historians believe that poker was born somewhere in the 17th century. The first clues about … Lanjutkan membaca

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